Alex Foxley, the Optical Illusion Animator We Love Right Now

Alex Foxley, the Optical Illusion Animator We Love Right Now

Alex Foxley, a 24-year-old British multidisciplinary artist/ designer currently based in Barcelona. He graduated from the Norwich University of the Arts last year with a degree in Commercial Photography and has spent the last couple of years sharing his illustration and animation through Instagram. With a love for bold colors and eye catching-patterns, he is expertise in bold-colored design and striking geometric patterns. 

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JumpFromPapaer Cartoon Bag

Anthony Garcia, an Unique Artist Who Designed the Cartoon Bags through Paper Cutting

Paper Done Proper is not just a name, it’s a lifestyle for Anthony Garcia, the creative mind behind the label. Anthony’s passion for design has been influenced by Los Angeles street culture and his own personal perspective. He helped JumpFromPaper design the cartoon bag with paper cutting.  We have a short interview with him. Let’s check it out.

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Claudia Chanhoi's cartoon illustrations depict her take on Summer and Female Bodies

Claudia Chanhoi’s Cartoon Illustrations Depict Her Take on Summer and Female Bodies

Claudia’s work is based on her personal experience as a heterosexual woman in modern world dating and her view on female sexuality along with humor and sarcasm. Behind her colorful cartoon-based images, there is always a simple message or a lighthearted joke. She helped JumpFromPaper design two interesting cartoon backpacks. Let’s check them out.

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