
Fall in love with Cecilia Castelli’s Cartoon Design

Fall in love with Cecilia Castelli's Cartoon Design

Cecilia is an illustrator and graphic designer from Italy. She studied product design at NABA – New Academy of Arts in Milan. But, during her academic years, she founds out that she preferred graphic design, which becomes her job for a few years. She creates minimal and flat illustrations composed by clean lines, soft form and bright colors. Through her work, she tries to tell a story or send a message, in a simple way with a touch of irony. Clients include: The Daily Telegraph, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, Donna Moderna, Acqua San Bernardo, Mollie Makes + more.

Cecilia recently helped JumpFromPaper customized the amazing cartoon backpack named Judy Lady.

JumpFromPaper Cool Cartoon Bag

We had an interview with Cecilia! Let’s check this out!!

  • Could you please tell us more about the concepts of the design? Any details from the backpacks you want people to know?
Cecilia: I would like to represent the concept of adventure. As to me, it’s the essence of a backpack, so I’ve drawn this woman surrounded by the jungle’s leaves. On the background there are some eyes looking at her…what will happen next?

  • Could you please share with people why you want to become an artist?
Cecilia: I never thought I’d become one. I found my self to be an artist without having planned it. But now, looking back in time, it’s like I’ve always had to do this. When I was a child, for example, my mom used to let me draw on the kitchen tiles and I drew all my family portraits.
I mean that all my life since now was like a journey that brought me to the art world, sometimes clearly and sometimes in an unexpected way.
I’ve been always fascinated by art because it gives me the opportunity to see the world from other perspective and with different eyes. 

Fall in love with Cecilia Castelli's Cartoon Design

  • What advice would you give to young artists?
Cecilia: Be curious, be kind, embrace the changing and last but not least: work hard.

Fall in love with Cecilia Castelli's Cartoon Design

Check out her website and Instagram Account @beingcecilia for more information   

Wanna design a unique cartoon bag just like Cecilia?

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