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Nicolette Michelle: A Cosmic Space Bambi From L.A.


Nicolette Michelle is a Cosmic Space Bambi with many talents, from her love in writing to taking photos of people exposed in nature, she enjoys using the environment as her shell, you can’t help but noticed Nico with her upbeat personality, represents the everyday girl in L.A.”She loves to start her day with coffee, and is a firm believer in breakfast”Check out our exclusive editorial and interview with the Number 1 Space Bambi From L.A.

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How would you describe your overall aesthetic?

It’s very minimal, but with a pop of color from time to time. l love to mix unique pieces or vintage accessories to help make an outfit stand out.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Nicolette, but most people call me Nico. I’m a freelance photographer.part-time fashion and lifestyle blogger from Los Angles, and l am currently working on my degree for creative writing.l absolutely adore dogs, and l love a good cup of coffee any day!

Who or what inspires you?

Living a colorful life surrounded by the things l love keeps me going. Nature and the different seasons definitely inspires me as well. am also inspired by bold and cre.ative women that are not afraid to shower the world with love, like writer, blogger and entrepreneur, Gala Darling from

Which camera do you use for photography?

I use the Sony a7rii and sometimes a Canon 70d. For a film, l use a Nikon FM10, a Polaroid,or an Instax Mini 8.


We see you took some film photography with Polaroid, do you enjoy using it?

Yes! lt’s the latest edition to my camera collection. it’s great to capture portraits and people’s different personalities, and l love the dreamy quality of the film!

What do you like to photograph the most?

I would have to say nature and people in nature. l love to capture the world aroundme as if | was looking into a dream.

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Is there a story attached to a particular photograph that makes it special for you?

Oh, this is a tough one! Haha.l have so many! l have a film photo on my website when l went to the snow, and it was my first time experiencing and being around so much snow! So it really did feel like a “Winter Wonderland.” The highway was closed off because it was too dangerous to drive, so l got to actually walk on the road surrounded by trees and tons of snow! lt was quite magical and felt very surreal.

Top 5 favorite places to visit in L.A.

Disneyland, The Last Bookstore, Porto’s Bakery and Cafe, the MOCA, and Button Mash.

What’s the talent you have most people don’t know about?

I can read music notes and play the piano!

What’s your best ever night out?

Good times with friends always make nights very fun. Going to Break room 86 and Broke L.A. For the first time were good nights for me!

Why do you write?

I write to inspire and share my love tor the world with others, and to preserve my memories and express my emotions. lt’s very therapeutic.

Talk to us about your writing routine; what’s a typical writing day for you?

I start out with a good breakfast and coffee and by 10 AM, i’m usually at my desk on my laptop. l work best when i’m completely alone. l love to listen to ambient/instrumental, or classical music to also help me focus. Sometimes l get stuck and can’t really write anything for days. And other times it just comes to me and l work non-stop.

What’s is your favorite word and why?

That’s a very good question haha! l love the word whimsical. Because it represents me and the things l love. Plus, the sound of it is lovely to the ears.

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What are you working on next?

I am currently in the process of trying to write something for online publications,such as think pieces or creative non-fiction. l am also trying to constantly work on my blog and evolve creatively as a content creator and writer.

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