
JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag X Sport Look by Ngo Lucka


JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag  X  Vietnamese Girl Style

Ngo Lucka is a 20-year-old Vietnamese girl born and raised in the Czech Republic and just moved to New York a year ago. We found her on Instagram and invited her to shoot an editorial with us!

On her profile, she said: 「I would rather shoot a real person than a model that just has to pose. Because real people just do them, that is when the photo comes out natural. The reason why I love doing what I am doing is that I get to capture moments, happy moments of my life. I have always wanted to tell my life story to people, now I do not have to because photography does it for me。」

Let’s check her sport look below

JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag

JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag

JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag

JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag

JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag

You can also check out more of Lucka’s work here: @luckango

JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag
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