JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag X Sport Look by Ngo Lucka

JumpFromPaper Cartoon Bag X Vietnamese Girl Style
Ngo Lucka is a 20-year-old Vietnamese girl born and raised in the Czech Republic and just moved to New York a year ago. We found her on Instagram and invited her to shoot an editorial with us!
On her profile, she said: 「I would rather shoot a real person than a model that just has to pose. Because real people just do them, that is when the photo comes out natural. The reason why I love doing what I am doing is that I get to capture moments, happy moments of my life. I have always wanted to tell my life story to people, now I do not have to because photography does it for me。」
Let’s check her sport look below
You can also check out more of Lucka’s work here: @luckango