JumpFromPaper X South Korea-based artist Kim Hyunji

At her first solo exhibition in Merenda Contemporary, Australia, she described:
“These beautiful faces that l have stolen, these young, empty signs, they are just that:signs through which the vision of our desire is emptied and fractured.”
South Korea-based artist Kim Hyunji (Kim Kim Kim) ran an editorial shoot with photographer Umairah Murtaza featuring our HEATWAVE collection, they’ve created a teen-bedroom aesthetic that feels like everything your 16-year-old self would dream of.
This cute yet mysterious shoot will take you deep inside to Kim’s world.Take a closer look at her thought-provoking works and powerful stories through the art of visual language and content.
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m Kim Hyunji, visual artist. i’m from South Korea but l am currently based in Australia.
How would you describe your work? And when did you start to create the portrait of people?
I started doing portraits since l came to Australia. l was influenced by Australia’s multiculturalism and diversity which is opposite to Korea, a single race country. My works’ main subjects are early-mid 20’s dealing with the issues that this generation is facing, by painting the expressions and postures of the subjects.
Your works are mainly depicting the portraits of the early twenties gen, what’s the reason behind this?
I feel l can capture my own generation with sincerity because l can connect best to mutual experiences.
Voidl, Oil on Canvas, 2016
What are the biggest challenges of being a young artist nowadays?
Irying new mediums from new technologies. And as always, make a living with their art.
My personal challenge is creating new styles and unique mark makings in my painting, as most of the painting styles have been done in the past. lt’s hard to be original!
Che l& ll, Oil on Canvas, 2015
What is your favorite medium to work in?
Oil paints and Charcoal.
Top 5 spot in Australia
- Beachside in Perth (City beach ~ Cottesloe ~ Fremantle where ever, Perth’s beach is the pretiest! /Western Australia)
- Distal phalanx (Melbourne)
- The dumpster shop (Melbourne)
5.Uncle Billy’s (Perth)
Detail of Crowley, Oil on Board, 2015
What’s your daily routine?
Eat toasties, go to the studio, come back home sleep + phone time.
- Model:Kim Kim Kim
- Photographer: Umairah Muraza